tracer project news

TRACER Project First Focus Group Meeting – A Milestone in Stakeholder Engagement

On January 25, 2024, the TRACER project achieved a significant milestone by conducting its inaugural focus group meeting with key stakeholders at the Ascanio Entertainment Ltd. offices in Nicosia, Cyprus. This event marked a pivotal moment in our journey towards enhancing emergency response training through mixed reality simulations.

The focus group was attended by representatives from all three consortium partners—Eight Bells Ltd, Ascanio Entertainment Ltd, and EMBIO Diagnostics Ltd. The session also saw active participation from critical stakeholders such as the Ambulance Service and the Civil Defense. Their insights are invaluable as we aim to tailor our solutions to the real-world challenges faced by these emergency responders.

During this engaging session, the stakeholders shared detailed accounts of their operational contexts, particularly highlighting the scenarios they encounter during emergencies. This exchange sparked ideas of potential simulation scenarios, which could significantly enhance the training modules we are developing.

Moreover, the discussion extended to the regulatory landscape and the system requirements necessary for implementing our mixed reality solutions effectively. The stakeholders also provided documentation on their procedures, enriching our understanding and ensuring that our project aligns closely with the needs of end-users.

This focus group has not only solidified our relationship with key stakeholders but has also set a robust foundation for the collection of essential business and system requirements. It represents the first of many steps towards achieving a state-of-the-art training solution that promises to revolutionize how first responders are prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

Stay tuned to our website for more updates on this exciting project as we continue to make strides in the development of cutting-edge training technologies for emergency services.

The project is funded by the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility of the NextGenerationEU instrument, through the Research and Innovation Foundation.

TRACER Project Presentation to the Ministry of Defense

On February 7th, 2024, the TRACER project took a significant step forward by showcasing its cutting-edge Mixed Reality training system to the Ministry of Defense. This presentation was part of an event organized by the ministry to explore dual-use research projects currently under development in Cyprus. Dual-use projects, like TRACER, are designed to benefit both civilian services and the military.

The consortium, comprising Eight Bells, Ascanio Entertainment, and EMBIO Diagnostics, demonstrated the potential of the Mixed Reality system to revolutionize military training. They illustrated how this technology could provide immersive and realistic training scenarios, which could significantly enhance tactical training and decision-making skills.

The event was attended by several high-ranking military officials who expressed their interest and enthusiasm for the project. Their engagement was evident in the insightful questions posed to the team, highlighting the system’s capabilities and its strategic importance to military training.

Overall, the presentation was not only a demonstration of technological innovation but also a testament to the collaborative efforts of the consortium partners. It marked a key milestone in the project’s journey, underscoring its relevance and potential impact on modern military training practices.

The project is funded by the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility of the NextGenerationEU instrument, through the Research and Innovation Foundation.

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The Project is funded by the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility of the NextGenerationEU instrument, through the Research and Innovation Foundation.